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TrueTRUE Skate HZRDUS 5 Sr
HZRDUS 5X SkatesOur brand new HZRDUS 5X player skate features a one-piece shell design with a stiffer shell rating combined with a standard felt tongue for added comfort and durability. By incorporating many of the same amazing features found in our premium models, the HZRDUS 5X offers an unmatched fit and elite performance benefits that no other entry-level model on the market can match.The HZRDUS 5X skate is ideal for players looking to take their performance to the next level with best-in-class fit and elite performance benefits synonymous with True skates at a competitive price.Benefits:- Best-in-class fit- One-piece performance- Competitive price0 136136RUB136RUB

TRUE Skate HZRDUS 5 Sr в Лысьве
HZRDUS 5X SkatesOur brand new HZRDUS 5X player skate features a one-piece shell design with a stiffer shell rating combined with a standard felt tongue for added comfort and durability. By incorporating many of the same amazing features found in our premium models, the HZRDUS 5X offers an unmatched fit and elite performance benefits that no other entry-level model on the market can match.The HZRDUS 5X skate is ideal for players looking to take their performance to the next level with best-in-class fit and elite performance benefits synonymous with True skates at a competitive price.Benefits:- Best-in-class fit- One-piece performance- Competitive price
True Skate - трюки! Часть 1 #1
True Skate - трюки! Часть 1 #1
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